Our intention at House of Hackney is to re-enchant you with the natural world by bringing the beauty of the outside in and by shining a light on the wonder that is all around us.
One of the most magical elements of Nature is the changing of her seasons, as she waxes and wanes and traverses the Wheel of the year. To honour this, throughout the year of Anima Mundi, we will be sharing our Almanac.
Traditionally, an almanac would be used by farmers and keepers of the land, and was a book that served as a calendar, detailing the rising and setting sun, changes in the tide and what to plant and forage. In our House, we’re all about tradition (with a twist) and our almanac will serve as a guide to the seasons and the cosmos, with full moons, signs, plants and a playlist, to help reconnect with the magic that surrounds us.
We begin with The Awe of Autumn.

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Autumn is ruled by the element of Earth. This is the time for slowing down, grounding oneself and embracing change.
Earth signs, known to be loyal, determined and practical, this is your season. Plant your feet solidly on the ground, connect with Nature and indulge your senses.

Harvest Moon | September 17th
A time to reap the benefits of the seeds we’ve sown.
Hunter’s Moon | October 17th
Representing abundance and divination, make your manifestations for the winter ahead.
Beaver Moon | November 15th
This is the time to look to home and hearth and embrace the rhythm of the changing seasons.

Associated with the Celtic faerie lands and the Roman goddess Venus, elder leaves and branches were once hung in doorways and windows to protect those who lived within, and the juice was used for blessings.
The ‘Michelmas daisy’ is the last flower to bloom in Fall. Named after the Greek word for ‘Star’ due to its radiating blooms, Asters symbolise love, wisdom and faith.
A symbol of abundance, life, vitality, and renewal, the apple bears the colours of Autumn and is associated with Mabon, the Harvest Festival giving thanks to the earth.

Inspired by our collection The Awe of Autumn, these are our songs of the season.
Moonage Daydream - David Bowie
Autumn Almanac - The Kinks
Dancing in the Moonlight - King Harvest
Pink Moon - Nick Drake
Cosmic Dancer - T Rex
Wonder Girl - Sparks
Mandrake Handshake - The Brian Jonestown

MABON - 22nd September
Another point of perfect balance on the Wheel of the Year, Mabon is the Autumn Equinox – the counterpart to Ostara in Spring.
Here we find ourselves on the cusp of transition, as darkness begins to defeat the light, and the greens of summer transform into the fiery reds, oranges and golds of Autumn.
Just as the earth now enters into a state of calm, reserving its energy for the impending winter, Mabon is the moment to rest after the labour of harvest. It’s also the time to reap what you have sown, to reflect on how the aspirations of Imbolc and Ostara have manifested.
SAMHAIN - 31st October
Now comes the end. Not eternal darkness, but what is essential to balance life. Also known as All Souls Night, Samhain is the third and final harvest festival, symbolising the end of the cycle of birth and growth.
It’s when the world becomes quiet, when plant matter fades away and dies off…only to be reborn in the coming months.
What makes Samhain so magical is this idea of rebirth after death: though the festival marks the old year coming to an end, a new year is already dawning on the horizon – and with it, a renewed sense of hope.